Database Administrator-A List of the Best Research Resources About This Occupation

A database administrator works with software to ensure that system’s databases are efficient and working as needed. The database administrator stores and secures data, while also enabling users to view and use the data. A bachelors degree in information systems or a computer field is most common. Multiple certifications are beneficial to database administrators including:  Microsoft Technology Associate, Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert, etc. The skills one must possess include:  multiple software functions, hardware, communication, teamwork, and managing, administrating, and developing databases and reports. After obtaining all educational and skill requirements, a database administrator will earn an average salary of $85,082 to $90,070. There is also a positive job outlook for database administrators of nine percent. From 2018 to 2028, projected growth will go from seven percent to ten percent, with employment of 117,000 employees in 2018. The linked resources below are effective in their material, research, and credibility. All resources with a date have a credible age and are within the past five years. The author’s for the below resources are credible as well as the accuracy of the information. The linked resources are beneficial in researching about database administrators.

Written by Colten Begle

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